Having problems authenticating client computers onto the wireless network using a Cisco AP1252 via FreeRadius 2.1.10 on Ubuntu 12.04.2 serves
John Douglass
john.douglass at oit.gatech.edu
Thu May 23 15:10:01 CEST 2013
We have had mixed results with Ubuntu's default network manager from
12.04 until the current. Have you tried an alternative wireless manager
like WICD?
- John Douglass, Sr. Systems IT/Architect, Georgia Institute of Technology
On 05/23/2013 12:47 AM, Elizabeth Fife wrote:
> HI I am having problems authenticating client computers onto the
> wireless network using a Cisco AP1252 via FreeRadius 2.1.10 on Ubuntu
> 12.04.2 serves
> Setup:
> I have a Cisco AP1252 wireless Access Point connected to a Cisco
> ASA5510 on subnet X.X.5.Z The access point ip address is X.X.5.101
> The ASA on another port is also connected to the wired network on a
> different subnet X.X.0.Z
> On the wired network are two radius servers - Ubuntus servers running
> FreeRadius 2.1.10 which are running fine and reliably authenticate
> wired users for ssh connections to the ASA and importantly to the
> AP1252 as well (The radius servers ip addresses are X.X.0.191 and
> X.X.0.192)
> Problem:
> When a wireless user tries to connect to the wireless network via the
> AP1252 after being disconnected form it for a while (or after waking
> from a long sleep) they are never authenticated. They just try over
> and over and never obtain an IP
> Interestingly in such a case neither Ubuntu server shows any sign of
> receiving an authentication request from the AP - Both ubuntu servers
> are running in debug mode so they show any activity - there is none
> Oddly:
> If i try to authenticate a user wirelessly to the AP and leave it in
> the usual state of trying over and over (with no visible activity on
> the ubuntu servers) BUT then go to a wired machine and attempt to
> authenticate an ssh connection to the AP1252 using a terminal
> command ssh user1 at X.X.5.101 THEN as soon as I hit enter on that
> request (and before I enter a password for the ssh connection) THE
> address (and the ubuntu server shows the authentication activity for
> the wireless user)
> Please help me understand what might be causing this behavior - it
> seems like the AP sleeping and the wired ssh request wakes it up so
> that it sees the pending wireless user waiting and then acts on that
> completing the wireless user authentication request
> Help
> Elizabeth
> -
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