Global variables

Franks Andy (RLZ) IT Systems Engineer Andy.Franks at
Thu May 23 20:43:18 CEST 2013

  Me again, I have had a google but it's not produced much, so apologies
if I've overlooked some piece of documentation somewhere.
Is it possible to set global variables at freeradius runtime? The
background is that I want to check against a user's primarygroupid from
AD to make sure they are in the right group. The ldap-group won't work
with primary groups as far as I can tell, so I'd like to give the FR
server the gid information through a wbinfo lookup then have it pick
that ldap attribute and compare against the global.
Seems a bit excessive to do it each request. I know it's not something
likely to change gid often but would like to not have to update it at
all should it change. We have an "over zealous" AD administrator..
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