Case statement error

Franks Andy (RLZ) IT Systems Engineer Andy.Franks at
Wed Oct 9 16:18:20 CEST 2013

Hi All. I have some code in an "sql" policy:

sql_check_user_present {
  update control {
    Tmp-String-0 := "%{sql_pwifi:SELECT COUNT(*) from voucher v left
join state s on where and
v.code='%{User-Name}' and (s.state='Inactive' or s.state='Active')}"
  switch "%{control:Tmp-String-0}" {
    case "0" {
      update control {
        User-RejectInformation := "Sorry, that voucher code is invalid
or has expired."
        Debug-RejectInformation := "Voucher code not present in database
table, or voucher expired"
    case "1" {
    case {
      # voucher has multiple table entries, oooh errr.
      update control {
        User-RejectInformation := "Sorry, there has been an error.
Please contact IT."
        Debug-RejectInformation := "Multiple voucher codes the same, or
database error - SQL count not = 0 or 1. This should never happen due to
primary key constraint!"

This works fine in 3.0, git version #f66d411, but I have a problem with
a regex related thing causing a segfault in that version and wouldn't
mind trying the latest version to see if it's fixed.
Trying version #d166290 results in
/usr/local/etc/raddb/policy.d/sql[6]: "case" statements may only appear
within a "switch" section
/usr/local/etc/raddb/policy.d/sql[6]: Failed to parse "case" subsection.
/usr/local/etc/raddb/policy.d/sql[5]: Failed to parse "switch"
/usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[220]: Errors parsing
authorize section.

Do I need to change how the switch statement works? The unlang page
doesn't seem to have changed as far as I can tell.

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