interaction between Virtual server & Authorize section

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Tue Oct 22 10:31:47 CEST 2013

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Okis Chuang <okischuang at> wrote:

> Yes, I have confirmed the external AAA is ok by sending same test request
> using radclient. They responded immediately since they are production
> RADIUS server.****
> **


>  **
> Yes, sure. I’ve set to 5 on num_of_sock yesterday. But the problem still
> exist.****
> So I really doubt that why does the virtual server for our NMS would be
> affected especially under that frequency of check.****
> **

Then your problem lies elsewhere.

If it were me, here's what I'd do:
- create a copy of your current FR to a test server
- ask the external radius server to add the IP of your test server as known
- trim down FR config on the test server so that only the proxy virtual
server is active
- run the test server in debug mode
- send acces-request to the test server
- read the debug log

Normally I'd suggest you run debug mode on the production server, but the
output may be too much.

If you can't create a test server, then probably radmin's debug option can
help. See . Limit it to debug
requests from your NMS only (e.g. if it uses a unique user-name, you can
filter based on that)

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