Freeradus service goes down

Roberto Carna robertocarna36 at
Mon Oct 28 15:02:32 CET 2013

Dear, I have a Freeradius server running OK, authenticating against an
AD. The Debian package is 2.1.12+dfsg-1.2 version.

The problem is that the service goes down 2 o 3 times a week, and I
can't know tha cause. I see the /var/log/freeradius/radisu.log but
there is nothing important I think.

When I start the service in this way "service freeradius start", today
the service didn't start, and I have started it with "freeradius -X"
and it runs OK now.

How can I find the origin of the problem the service goes up frequently???

Do you recommend to me start the service with "service freeradius
start" or "freeradius -X"???

Thanks in advance.


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