NTLMv2 with FreeRADIUS

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Apr 10 04:08:51 CEST 2014

John McCarthy wrote:
> The other option that is appealing is TTLS/PAP. I spun up a server at
> the end of the day today to start testing that out. Does it play well
> with active directory using Kerberos? That option sounds nice because
> traffic is encrypted at both ends of the FreeRADIUS server.

  TTLS + PAP will work fine with Kerberos.  You'll need to edit
sites-enabled/inner-tunnel, and add "krb5" to the "authenticate"
section.  Then, in the "authorize" section, do:

	if (User-Password) {
		update control {
			Auth-Type := krb5

  Also configure the krb5 file in mods-enabled/krb5.

  You should have Kerberos working about 30 seconds later.

> I had been doing some research to get a better understanding on how all
> this worked. Alan DeKok had some great references at deployingradius.com
> to help me understand how all this works.

  Thanks.  Lots of people find it useful.

  Alan DeKok.

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