nas id in radacct table

Alan DeKok aland at
Sat Apr 12 17:18:39 CEST 2014

Benoit wrote:
> But of course the %{NAS-Id}  variable does not exist. Is there any
> variable where this information is stored? Seems like all the
> NAS-related vars are coming from the client and not from a local query
> on the database.

  Yes, that's exactly it.  All of the information comes from the NAS.
If the information isn't in the packet from the NAS, it doesn't exist.

  And to store information in a DB, use the attribute names you see in
debugging mode.  It's that easy.

> I have little understanding yet about the freeradius system but hope to
> get it. This file for me is just a list of SQL queries, but I don't even
> get how and where they are ever executed...

  Run the server in debugging mode, and read the output.  Look for "sql".

  Alan DeKok.

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