freeradius + firebird, how install in Ubuntu Linux

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Tue Aug 19 09:44:07 CEST 2014


> For begin I read the manual, FAQ and some resourses founded in web, but I can't find any complete guide, how install and configure freeradius with module rlm_sql_firebird on ubuntu server, and how I can get this module or compile it, desirable of standard package system of Ubuntu.

you will need to compile from source as per guides - whether you follow the 'make your own DEB'
gudie or just install from source is up to you.

you will need to have the relevant firebird development files/headers around for the server to build
with firebird support.  

you then configure the relevant raddb config files to use that module and configure the firebird module
as required.


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