freeradius + firebird, how install in Ubuntu Linux

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Wed Aug 20 09:50:30 CEST 2014


> I'm install firebird-dev package.
> Result of command "sudo dpkg -L firebird-dev" 


>           --with-rlm_sql_firebird \
>           --with-rlm_sql_firebird_lib_dir=`/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/` \
>           --with-rlm_sql_firebird_include_dir=`/usr/include/` \

shouldnt need these, ./configure should pick up the info automagically

> But, firebird deb is absent, although other packages, such as mysql, postgresql is present.

ah - you mean the eg freeradius-firebird.deb package?   well, thats because the debian folk
package up parts of freeradius seperately - you will need to check their code/scripts to
find out how they do that for the pgsql etc and copy their technique.

the basic build from source method (rather than create DEB) will compile a version of FR with support
for the libraries etc and install required libraries.


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