freeradius + firebird, how install in Ubuntu Linux

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Fri Aug 22 17:49:10 CEST 2014


> The reason is very simple, out billing software begun develops long ago, and for historical reasons used firebird database engine. This software was developed inside the company, and modernization of it is a complex process in which we do not need, except that we can't use freeradius, unfortunately, in production. May be only after full testing, may be. It is a pity that the module is still experimental, eh.

it depends on how many people test/use/verify it......and report back etc. I've used eg the PERL library for
FreRADIUS for many years...and for half of those years it was marked as experimental and we saw no issues
(though after seeing all the recent changes for it during 3.x development I'm surprised it worked at all! ;-) )


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