radius log not recording some NAS client IP

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Dec 24 10:31:31 CET 2014


> I am running 2.1.1-7.10.1 freeradius server on SLES.

its the end of 2014 - upgrade

> Basic log is being written to the default log location
> (/var/log/radius/raidus.log), but I noticed sometimes, some NAS
> client IP is not logged. I am sure the this info is available in the
> debug mode. Afterall the clients.conf is checking the ip come in.

clients.conf looks at the raw packet detailsm not the RADIUS datagram. its very likely that NAS-IP-Address
isnt in those packets - thus its not being logged. or the NAS-IP-Address is something different/wrong - eg hostname, MAC
address or IPv6 address or something b0rked.

> for example, a normal record would look like this:
> <Date> : Auth: Login OK: [james13] (from client able322 port 0 cli
> but an incorrect record would look like this
> <Date> : Auth: Login OK: [james13] (from client able322 port 0)
> Has anyone seen this kind of problem, or can someone advice me on
> how to alter to log manually to record this piece of info.

this looks like a feature of the NAS  - some kind of caching or mobility going on? or is
the NAS configured to pass through the details after client has a known address? anyway,
full debug - but your server is old old old so no further help from me.


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