Antw: Re: How many NAS kann radius take?

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Feb 14 03:17:55 CET 2014

Anja Ruckdaeschel wrote:
> Every nas has an entry in an include file for clients.conf like:
> client {
>         secret = ***************
>         shortname = blafasel
>         nastype = other
> }

  That's fine.

> and an entry per NAS in an include file for huntrgoups like:
> ap Client-IP-Address == x.x.x.x
> ap NAS-IP-Address == x.x.x.x

  That's terrible.  Don't do that.  Ever.

  Instead, put the client group information into the "client" section:

client {
        secret = ***************
        shortname = blafasel
        nastype = other
	group = ap

  Then do policy checking via %{client:group} instead of Huntgroup-Name.
 It will do the same thing, and will be *enormously* faster.

  As a general rule, if you're doing tens of checks, it's OK to put them
into a flat-text file.  If you're doing thousands of checks, you should
really put them into a database.

  Alan DeKok.

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