what is version 8014870 of threads.c?

Maciej Uhlig maciej.uhlig at us.edu.pl
Thu Jan 9 09:42:42 CET 2014

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk - 2014-01-08 23:30:
>>    Excuse me for the most probably stupid question: what is version 8014870
>>    of threads.c and where can it be downloaded from?
> its a tag in the GIT development repository. but thats old now

Actually I found it's substring of the tag...

>>    Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child for request *, in component <core>
>>    module <thread>
> first thing first - why is your server or that component slow? 

My server has plenty of RAM and CPU so it shouldn't be a problem.

> I'd advise using 2.2.3
> and see if the fixes since 2.2.1 solve anything.

Guess what? In fact situation became even worse.


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