post-auth bash script

Olivier Beytrison olivier at
Mon Jan 13 16:30:18 CET 2014

On 13.01.2014 11:52, Jean Carlos Coelho wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there some way to execute a shell with freeradius? here’s my scenario:
> - Users login to cisco wi-fi with 3 BSSID (teachers, students or
> employees) with LDAP credentials;
> - I verify if user is at group X, Y or Z (LDAP-Group);
> - *** Now, i need to verify in ldap (ldapsearch/shell) if the
> objectclass “userenalbled” is enabled or “expiredate” is “less” than
> "now” ***

Why ooh why do you want to call a script for that ??

Just adapt your filter in your ldap module, in the user {} section.
For example :

filter =

(this is an example and should be adapted/tested against your directory)


 Olivier Beytrison
 Network & Security Engineer, HES-SO Fribourg
 Mail: olivier at

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