radutmp file not created

Khapare Joshi khapare77 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 15:04:47 CEST 2014

Hello Alan,

Now, my radutmp is created and rawho is working. Two things needed to
changes at least in my environment.

1) access point was not sending the Accounting packets properly, network
guys has fixed this for me.
2. I changed nas = other in client.conf file instead of cisco (this worked)

Since all working, I have one small issue regarding radwho output.

test1              test1                    shell S325 Tue 11:13
test2              test2                    shell >999 Wed 10:38
00376df47b     00376df47b95      shell >999 Wed 13:39
70188bccdb    70188bccdb53      shell >999 Wed 13:40
00376df47b     00376df47b95      shell >999 Wed 13:59
test3              test3                    shell S138 Thu 03:30

those test1 ---test3 actual users but other numbers are actually the
macaddress of the actual client which should be the username like test4 and
test5, It will be nice to know what causes that


On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com>

> Khapare Joshi wrote:
> > okay, radutmp file is created, it seem that radutmp file relies on
> > detail log file.
>   No.  It depends on receiving accounting packets, like I said.
>   Please don't mislead people.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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