Issues with building Freeradius on CentOS 6.5: need rlm_cache

Brandon Jozsa bjozsa at
Sun Jun 15 20:57:23 CEST 2014

Crap, default? (I'm ducking now). I looked at: but besides what is written in
the module itself, I haven't touched a lot. I would like to default to
writing everything to the MySQL database (authN, authZ attributes, etc);
really anything that can possibly collected, that is what I need in order
to correctly set policies, forklift the new solution into production and
migrate off of the current RSA solution [eventually].

cache {
key = "%{User-Name}"
ttl = 10
epoch = 0
add_stats = no
update {
reply:Reply-Message += reply:Reply-Message
reply:Reply-Message += "Cache last updated at %t"
reply:Class := "%{randstr:ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss}"

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Arran Cudbard-Bell <
a.cudbardb at> wrote:

> On 15 Jun 2014, at 17:32, Brandon Jozsa <bjozsa at> wrote:
> > Ok, so here is the configuration. I feel horrible for trying keeping
> this thread alive (everyone has helped a lot and I'm very thankful for the
> responses). I get a reject when trying the unlang suggestion. Most of it
> makes sense, but I'm not sure what I'm missing. If you need/want more
> debug, I can definitely provide. If I'm being slow, I sincerely apologize.
> debug would help... and what's the configuration of the cache module
> itself?
> -Arran
> Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at>
> FreeRADIUS Development Team
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