LDAP auth

Jon Jenkins jon.jenkins at convergecfd.com
Tue Jun 17 22:20:03 CEST 2014

Ok, I will work with what you provided - thank you.

Could you please let me know why the following conflicting message shows 
up after the No "known good" message?

Tue Jun 17 11:53:43 2014 : Info: [ldap] user jjenkins authorized to use 
remote access
Tue Jun 17 11:53:43 2014 : Debug:   [ldap] ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Tue Jun 17 11:53:43 2014 : Info: ++[ldap] returns ok

On 06/17/2014 01:41 PM, Phil Mayers wrote:
> On 17/06/2014 18:01, Jon Jenkins wrote:
>> Tue Jun 17 11:53:43 2014 : Debug: WARNING: No "known good" password was
>> found in LDAP.  Are you sure that the user is configured correctly?
> This is the relevant line.
> FreeRADIUS is built around using LDAP as a database; you store the 
> passwords there, and FreeRADIUS does the auth. Here, it can't find a 
> password, so it can't auth.
> Also aince you're doing peap, you also are probably doing mschap 
> inside the tunnel, and there's no "mschap" module in your inner-tunnel 
> any more. Suggest you revert to the default config and start by making 
> small changes.
> Finally, if your LDAP directory doesn't contain passwords and can only 
> be used as an "oracle", then it can't be used for peap/mschap. See:
> http://deployingradius.com/documents/protocols/oracles.html
> ...and
> http://deployingradius.com/documents/protocols/compatibility.html
> -
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