radius server presenting itself as

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Mar 6 16:51:00 CET 2014


> However, I've just spotted that I had the same commonName for both my server.cnf and ca.cnf. Just edited the ca.cnf and now make is failing as I need to revoke the previous certificates.....that's proving to be a struggle.

start from scratch....  or, if you are just hacking around, delete all the new files that dont exist by default
(the .csr, crt, pem, key, serial, etc.

should have a directory with just:

bootstrap  ca.cnf  client.cnf  Makefile  README  server.cnf  xpextensions

now edit the files as required....not, if doing own CA etc then ensure you have all the
required extensions in the certs as required by clients....Windows clients need
the xpextensions (as will be done by default)...Windows Phone clients (and Win7/Win8)
now also need CRLDP to be present (which will it will be - example of - if you get
latest sourcecode)


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