dailycounter isnt started

Sanity Computers sales at sanitycomputers.com.au
Sat Mar 8 03:11:12 CET 2014

Guys, I found the right code from the Daloradius /sql/counter.conf. In all
my googling I have not seen it like this. 


I found it a little tough when the wiki and Github show code that does not
work for a daily-max-session. I guess there is a reason but loads of the
examples out there simply don't work unless the radacct table is already
populated, cheers.


sqlcounter dailycounter {

       counter-name = Daily-Session-Time

       check-name = Max-Daily-Session

       reply-name = Session-Timeout

       sqlmod-inst = sql

       key = User-Name

       reset = daily

query = "SELECT IFNULL(SUM(acctsessiontime - \

                 GREATEST((%b - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(acctstarttime)), 0)),0) \

                 FROM radacct WHERE username = '%{%k}' AND \

                 UNIX_TIMESTAMP(acctstarttime) + acctsessiontime > '%b'"







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