FreeRadius Authorizing and Authenticating Anyone if One User Logs in

Lennon Mazonde lmmazonde at
Sat Mar 29 16:31:44 CET 2014

On 3/29/2014 4:27 PM, Alan Buxey wrote:
> Well. .. That's probably because your binary is called something else. 
> The feedback you're getting suggesting packages makes me think you're 
> running debian or ubuntu.... in which case what you need to run is
I'm running Ubuntu Server 12.04.
> freeradius -X
> or freeradiusd -X cant quite recall and them renaming the binary is 
> constantly annoying
freeradius -X works, thanks a lot! And yes, its quite frustrating when 
you read documentation and 'how-to's' only to realise the syntax is all 

Thanks a lot Alan,



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