User-Name case insensitive, spaces - freeradius 2.1.12

Bruno Correia email at
Thu May 22 23:05:04 CEST 2014

Hi all,

Usage freeradius 2.1.2 and i'm with problems about username authentication.

Simply authentication accept any variations of the same username. Example:

Register user: "var"

Is accept:

"Var" "vAr" "vaR" VaR" "VAr" "vAR" "var " ...

This ends "bypassing" the blockage i do for multiple sessions with the 
same user. ( attribute Simultaneous-Use )

I noticed that the file */**path/freeradius/policy.conf* have the 
function with filters if to solve problem, but not function.

The unique that works is filter space start.

filter_username {
                 # spaces at the start: reject
                 if (User-Name =~ /^ /) {

*       # spaces at the end: reject**
**                if (User-Name =~ / $$/) {**
**                        reject**
**                }*

*# Mixed case: reject**
**                if (User-Name != "%{tolower:%{User-Name}}") {**
**                        reject**
**                }*


Appreciate the help.

**Bruno G Correia**
Analista de Redes
(83) 8812-2235
(83) 9862-0224
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