statistics with radsniff and collectd

Louis Munro lmunro at
Mon Nov 10 22:53:03 CET 2014


I am trying to integrate radsniff with collectd as described on the wiki :

I have compiled radsniff 3 statically (it is to be used on a 2.2.5 server) and it seems to be working fine as long as I don't try to write to the collectd socket. 
When I do however I get these errors back from collectd:

radsniff: Failed PUTVAL "" interval=10 1415655243 : Server error: Type `radius_count' isn't defined.
radsniff: Failed PUTVAL "" interval=10 1415655243 : Server error: Type `radius_latency' isn't defined.
radsniff: Failed PUTVAL "" interval=10 1415655243 : Server error: Type `radius_rtx' isn't defined.

So it looks like I need to define the types for the radius statistics in collectd's Types.db.

Has anyone got this working? The question is rhetorical as I assume that the wiki's author (at least) got it to work but I don't seem to have the relevant definitions with my version of collectd (5.4.1). 
Would anyone care to share their type definitions? 
I would be much obliged.

Louis Munro
lmunro at  :: 
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