Dropping EAPOL frame, not key frame

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Nov 13 15:51:40 CET 2014

Norman Elton wrote:
> We have wireless clients doing MS-CHAPv2 authentication against our
> access points. FreeRADIUS serves as a proxy between the APs and our
> domain controllers. When a Mac laptop connects, or in some cases
> roams, we see the wifi icon laddering up and down for 20-30 seconds.
> During this time, I've spotted the following error in the laptop's
> system.log:
> inputEAPOLFrame: Dropping EAPOL frame, not key frame

  EAPoL is EAP over LAN.  It's the communication protocol between the
laptop and the access point.

  i.e. it has nothing to do with RADIUS.

> Initial Googling hasn't turned up anything relevant, and I realize
> this is likely not a FreeRADIUS issue (as it's only a proxy). But I'm
> hoping that the collective wisdom of FreeRADIUS users could shed some
> light on what's going on.

  It isn't a RADIUS issue.

  My guess is that the access point is broken.  Switch it out for
another one, and the messages will disappear.  Don't use the same make /
model.  Switch vendors.

  Alan DeKok.

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