Resume failing on system reboot

Brian Julin BJulin at
Fri Nov 14 01:52:11 CET 2014

Not to get too far down a tangent, but if this is happening after a resume, ISTR seeing
it suggested that turning off bluetooth can help a similar problem on some chipsets.
Definitely a client-side issue.  Both Yosemite and Win 8.1 are not robust enterprise clients.
That products from such major manufacturers can make it out to the field in this state is
just crazy, and us admins have to hunker down and try to find workarounds before the
pitchfork-wielding mobs of users find us, all the while hoping Apple or MS will fix their crap.

From: at [ at] on behalf of Joshua [mrl0lz at]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:41 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: Resume failing on system reboot

Thanks for the quick response! I suspected something larger was at play here. I'll sit on it until the next OS X release

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Adam Bishop <Adam.Bishop at<mailto:Adam.Bishop at>> wrote:
On 13 Nov 2014, at 23:39, Joshua <mrl0lz at<mailto:mrl0lz at>> wrote:
> if say a user restarts his OS X Yosemite laptop on reboot it will report loss of network and fail to connect.

If you're seeing an Access-Challenge message as the last packet in the conversation, then there are two possibilities:
 * The client is choosing not responding to the challenge
 * The client never receives the challenge

In either case, you're looking in the wrong place - only your NAS or your supplicant can tell you which has happened (and why).

Yosemite currently has a large number of issues relating to WiFi; I would avoid debugging this further until 10.10.1 is available, as you could find that it'll Just Work (R).

Adam Bishop

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