Zulzig zulzig at
Thu Nov 27 19:26:08 CET 2014


sorry Alan, I give you the informations that you want.

i created one table in my radius database. if the reply on radpostauth is
like Access-Accept.
the table store the username and the authdate.

I added a trigger which it run each time, when a username tries to log on.

the trigger makes a diff between the authdate.rapostauth and the
authdate.newtable of the user.

if the date is up to 20 days, the trigger add/modify the
groupname.radusergroup of the user.
at he result the radgroupreply should be different.

but in my case, it's different, the add/update works very well, but this
are the last parameters before the modification of the radusergroup table
which are sent

radgroupreply table,
| id | groupname           | attribute               | op | value

|  1 | safe      | Tunnel-type             | =  | 13

|  2 |safe       | Tunnel-Medium-Type      | =  | 6

|  3 | safe      | Tunnel-Private-Group-ID | =  | 7

|  5 | no-safe | Tunnel-type             | =  | 13

|  6 | no-safe | Tunnel-Medium-Type      | =  | 6

|  7 | no-safe | Tunnel-Private-Group-ID | =  | 8

username :toto | groupname: safe | priority: 1

last Access-Accept > 20 days
username :toto | groupname: no-safe | priority: 1

radgroupreply safe instead of no-safe.

i hope that i answer at yours last questions
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