Authentication and Authorization

Alex Gregory alex at
Wed Oct 1 00:49:00 CEST 2014

Thank you for the link.  I have the OTP working on a test server now with proxying.  The problem is the hosted OTP server does not supply any group or attribute information back yet like this Wikid server does.  But I have two different user groups for two different networks (Corp and Dev users) that need to be differentiated.

In production have two virtual radius servers each doing an LDAP lookup into a different group.  If a user tries to access the incorrect network they are denied because they are not in that group.  Works great.  If I alter the server to proxy the request with the LDAP module configured will it handle things properly?



On Sep 30, 2014, at 2:02 PM, Nick Owen <owen.nick at> wrote:

> Yes, see this tutorial:
> Note that you login with the username and OTP.  No ldap password is
> needed.
> HTH,
> Nick
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Alex Gregory <alex at> wrote:
>> Hello-
>> If I have both LDAP and Proxy configured will FreeRadius use both?  What I am looking for is the FreeRadius server authorize a user in LDAP and if that passes forward the user to the upstream OTP radius server (via proxy.conf) for authentication.  I believe its doing this now with the LDAP module, just authenticating locally, rather than proxied.
>> Is this possible?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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> Nick Owen
> WiKID Systems, Inc.
> Commercial/Open Source Two-Factor Authentication
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