Beginner help

KAVYA PRABHAKAR kavyamelinmaneprabhakar at
Tue Oct 14 12:26:04 CEST 2014


I am trying to setup radsec using freeradius version 3.0.3.

I have generated self-signed certificate on my freeradius server using
openssl commands. I generates .pem and .pfx certificate. I have placed the
same files in certs folder of raddb and edited tls file respectively.

Command to send radius request:
radtest test 456 localhost 2083 testing123

When I run the above command I could see that request is going on 1812 port.
Then i checked netstat command to check ports opened for radiusd. TCP port
2083 is not opened. How to open up TCP port and any extra parameters needs
to be present in radtest command?

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