FR 3.0.x Head + coova chilli + mysql Volume Limit

Abdullah b.hawks123 at
Wed Oct 15 20:58:34 CEST 2014

ok the counter works great and user gets disconnected with the value set
but when the user logins next time, he is able to login again and use the
same amount of data again
the count_in_mb counter gets the value 4080 instead of 6144
anything wrong with the query?

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Russell Mike <radius.sir at> wrote:

> no v2.2 but would not be difference. setup your 2GB limits working before
> jumping to above 4GB.
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Abdullah <b.hawks123 at> wrote:
>> yes i have setup mysql
>> apparently custom counters dont work. are you using fr3 for providing the
>> download limits?
>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Russell Mike <radius.sir at>
>> wrote:
>>> Abdullah,
>>> Did you say your counter does not work ? Of course you need
>>> rlm_counter. Have you already done mysql setup ? Counter would not even
>>> help if you have not setup proper accounting MySQL etc...
>>> Well, here is the counter i use. it is little way different your own, i
>>> use Max-All-MB CoovaChilli attributes to scale more than terabyte. if you
>>> need to follow step by step how to setup MAX-All-MB. follow my blog. i am
>>> already providing up to 100GB.
>>> sqlcounter chillispot_max_all_mb {
>>>             counter-name = "Download-Limit-MB"
>>>             check-name = "Max-All-MB"
>>>             reply-name = "Session-Timeout"
>>>             reply-message = "You have reached your bandwidth limit"
>>>             sqlmod-inst = "sql"
>>>             key = "User-Name"
>>>             reset = "never"
>>>             cache-size = 5000
>>>             query = "SELECT SUM(AcctInputOctets) / (1024*1024) +
>>> SUM(AcctOutputOctets) / (1024*1024) FROM radacct WHERE UserName='%{%k}'"
>>> }
>>> Thanks / RM--
>>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Abdullah <b.hawks123 at> wrote:
>>>> i am usig coova chilli
>>>> so lets say i want to set 10GB
>>>> i set ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets=2147483648
>>>> and Gigawords = 2
>>>> but how will the user get disconnected at 10gb? do i need a counter or
>>>> will it be done automaticallly?
>>>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Russell Mike <radius.sir at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Which NAS are you using ? Use "gigaword" attribute to define the
>>>>> limits more than 4GB. it is easy, for example, if you want 10 Gb limit.
>>>>> *The Value Of 10GB In Bytes If Following*
>>>>> 10737418240
>>>>> *The Value of Octets_Attribute For Check Item*
>>>>> 2147483648
>>>>> *The Value of Gigawords_Attribute For Check Item*
>>>>> 2
>>>>> Use the following python script to calculate the values when ever you
>>>>> need. Change the value in VARIABLE "*GB_Value*" to the number you
>>>>> want.
>>>>> #!/usr/bin/python
>>>>> GB_Value = 10
>>>>> Total_Bytes = GB_Value*(1024**3)
>>>>> print 'The Value Of Given Number In Bytes If Following', '\n',
>>>>> Total_Bytes
>>>>> Octets_Attribute = GB_Value*(1024**3) & ((2**32)-1);
>>>>> Gigawords_Attribute = GB_Value*(1024**3) >> 32;
>>>>> print '\n'
>>>>> print 'The Value of Octets_Attribute is' '\n', Octets_Attribute
>>>>> print 'The Value of Gigawords_Attribute is' '\n', Gigawords_Attribute
>>>>> print '\n' 'Confirming Calculations & Giving Results:'
>>>>> i = (Gigawords_Attribute<<32) + Octets_Attribute;
>>>>> #i = (1<<32) + Octets_Attribute;
>>>>> print 'This Number Must Equel To Bytes Of Given Number. Please
>>>>> Verify', i
>>>>> j = GB_Value*(1024**3);
>>>>> print 'Using Second Methos To Verify Output Number. Is This Orignal
>>>>> Number in Bytes ', j,'?'
>>>>> print '\n'
>>>>> I trust this helps.
>>>>> Thanks / RM--
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:34 PM, johan firdianto <johanfirdi at
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> you should define integer64 for volume attribute in fr dictionary.
>>>>>>  On Oct 15, 2014 8:25 PM, "Abdullah" <b.hawks123 at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>> Fr disconects the user auto at 2gb, when i increase the
>>>>>>> ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets to anything more than 3.9GB, it never
>>>>>>> disconnects the user whereas any value under 3.9GB works fine and user gets
>>>>>>> disconnected when the limit is reached.
>>>>>>> I need some help as to how volume greater than 4GB can be
>>>>>>> implemented. I have tried some older methods involving setting up counters
>>>>>>> but either they dont get called/executed from the same config files as in
>>>>>>> 2.x branch
>>>>>>> So please guide me as to how can it be achieved
>>>>>>> Regards,
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