detail server stopped working silently

adrian.p.smith at adrian.p.smith at
Fri Oct 24 19:10:56 CEST 2014

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith,AP,Adrian,TNK6 R 
Sent: 24 October 2014 18:09
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: RE: detail server stopped working silently

>> Reverting back to the original remote machine shows the problem still exists on both 3.0.3 and v3.0.x and hopefully the debug extract below shows what happens. Once the Status-Server >message has been answered the detail processing on the sending server never re-starts even though the remote server is marked as alive. The remains in the radacct folder and >any new files appearing there are also ignored. It feels like even if a remote server or network is slow or un-reliable, Freeradius should be able to recover and continue processing the >detail file.

>  Hmm... the detail reader is supposed to use "retry_interval" to retransmit packets.  It shouldn't matter if the home server is down or not.  Packets should be sent every >"retry_interval".

>  Maybe the rest of the debug output will help.  You *should* see it reading packets from the detail file.  When the home server fails, it should say "Detail - No response to request.  >Will retry in %d seconds"

>  The important messages are the ones where it transitions from sending packets to not sending packets...


Ran another test and the full debug log file is attached.

You will notice that we are running 2 detail servers and the other one continues on, although it's not done any significant work.



Zip file is held at your end for moderation - let me know if I need to send it differently.

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