Enterasys Wireless controller with Mgmt user authentication via RADIUS MSCHAP

Alan Alejandro Villaverde alan.villaverde at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 19:56:01 CET 2014

Hi all,

I hope you are all fine.

I am deploying a Radius server to authenticate mgmt users of a Enterasys
Wireless Controller.

The problem is that when I set WLC to authenticate via radius using MSCHAP
I get Access-reject.

First of all, I keep the radius config files as default and when debugging
it I noticed that for some reason radius is trying to authenticate by UNIX
Cleartext Password.

For PAP authentication it is ok and all works great but not for MSCHAP.

Then, I set Auth-type = MSCHAP in "users" config file and here the things
changed. The auth now is done by mschap but it is still requesting a clear
text password. After that it tries with LM-password / NT-password.

I read this article

But I cant sort out this problem.

Is It possible to set Enterasys Wireless controller to authenticate mgmt
users via MSCHAP Radius???
Can it be done without LM-password or NT-password?

Sorry for that, but It is getting me crazy. I kindly request you for help.

Thanks in advance.


Alan Alejandro Villaverde.

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