Upgrading FR on Ubuntu

Fajar A. Nugraha list at fajar.net
Thu Sep 4 21:56:37 CEST 2014

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Kev Pearce <email.me at kevp.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've installed the v2.x.x branch on my FR server... but my server is
> running on Ubuntu 14.04 using the release v2.2.5 package, and as such is
> installed into /etc/freeradius.
> Installing the branch is installing to /usr/local/etc/raddb and I can't
> get this to start:
> radiusd: error while loading shared libraries:
> libfreeradius-radius-020205.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
> file or directory
> Is there anyway to just 'upgrade' on Ubuntu using the original
> /etc/freeradius location and config files?

(1) backup your config files (e.g. /etc/freeradius), in case anything goes
(2) See https://launchpad.net/~freeradius/+archive/ubuntu/stable

It should be as simple as adding the ppa and running apt-get update,
apt-get install freeradius

... and in case you didn't know, if for whatever reason you need to
rollback to Ubuntu's version of a software instead of using ppa, use

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