Beginner need help (Himanshu Pandey)

KAVYA PRABHAKAR kavyamelinmaneprabhakar at
Mon Sep 22 09:40:54 CEST 2014


I am beginner. I installed Freeradius in my windows PC.
With default configuration it works as expected.

Now I have a RADIUS client which will send request to server and I want
server to authenticate the same.

I should be changing users.conf

raduser User-Password == "Password"
 where User-name = "raduser" and Password = "Password"

I will have to change clients.conf as well.

client <ipaddr/mask>{
  secret = secret
  shortname = client name  # what is the significance of shortname

In radiusd.conf, I have changed to which Ip and port RADIUS server has to
listen to. (optional)

After doing respective changes, I will execute following command:

radtest raduser Password 1812 Password

The result is as follows:

C:\\bin>radclient.exe -d ..\etc\raddb -f radtest.txt -x -s
127.1 au
th testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
        User-Name = "testuser"
        User-Password = "testpw"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 123
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=108, length=20

           Total approved auths:  1
             Total denied auths:  0
               Total lost auths:  0

Here I would like to know why am I getting reply from when I have
explicitly asked to receive from

PFA the debug log.

Thanks in advance,
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