Beginner help

KAVYA PRABHAKAR kavyamelinmaneprabhakar at
Tue Sep 30 05:33:29 CEST 2014


I am trying to send RADIUS authentication only packet from  NAS IP  to
Freeradius server. Over UDP it worked fine.
Now I have got a certificate installed on Freeradius server, as I am
willing to send Radius auth request over TLS connection. Before sending
request from NAS I am trying to create TLS conenction b/n NAS ip and
Freeradius server. I want that connection to happen over 1814 port.

What configuration changes should I be doing for the same(port number)?
What other configuration needs to be done on Freeradius server to make TLS

Freeradius server is running on ubuntu 14.04.

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