Problem with freeradius and LDAP: crypt and MD5 password
Stefan Paetow
Stefan.Paetow at
Mon Apr 13 11:29:25 CEST 2015
> One more cuestion, in freeradius 2.1.12, can I get the authentication
> result from the bind result?
What do you mean by 'can I get the authentication result'? If you can bind successfully to the LDAP directory with the username and password, then that's success. With FreeRADIUS 3.x, it's a *lot* simpler to use LDAP bind-as-user than with 2.1.12, and the article you referenced refers to FR 3.x.
Look at your inner-tunnel file (in sites-enabled):
- What have you got in the 'authorize' section?
You should place something like this in it (after the pap entry):
if (User-Password) {
update control {
Auth-Type := ldap
Ldap-UserDN := "uid=%{User-Name},ou=people,dc=unex,dc=es"
- What have you got in the 'authenticate' section? Do you have something called 'Auth-Type PAP' there?
In that entry you have a single line: 'pap'. Comment it out, then put 'ldap' in its place.
You should also have a set of commented-out entries like so:
# Auth-Type LDAP {
# ldap
# }
Remove the comment from the line that says 'ldap'.
Then, in the eap.conf file, look for the first 'default_eap_type' line. It may be set to 'md5'. Set that to 'ttls'. That sets the default type of EAP to TTLS. Then scroll down to find a line that starts with 'ttls {' (should be around line 500). There's another 'default_eap_type' there. That is probably also set to 'md5'. You can set that to 'gtc', which gives you EAP-GTC, which in turn gives you PAP.
Now, to test this, try the following on the FreeRADIUS server itself (while it is running in debug mode, i.e. 'radiusd -X'):
radtest -t pap aigallardo your_password 1 testing123
You *should* see it bind correctly... If it binds correctly, then use eapol_test (see to test the full end-to-end system. If it does not bind correctly, post the *full* debug output so we can have a look.
Stefan Paetow
Moonshot Industry & Research Liaison Coordinator
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