Possible Login Times - Restrictions?

Tobias Hansen hansen at nordkonzept.de
Mon Apr 13 15:10:37 CEST 2015

Hey there,

it seems that there's a problem with the maximum possible login times per user.
Some users encounter some trouble with their allowed timespan on sunday.

Logfile says:
Mar 15 20:12:51   logportalauth[72261]: Zone: restricted - FAILURE: XXXXXXX, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,, You are calling outside your allowed timespan

The freeradius settings:
Username xxx
Password xxx
Discription 3Std/Tag
Possible Login Times Mo1300-1420,Mo1630-2115,Tu1130-1420,Tu1630-2115,We1300-1420,We1630-2115,Th1300-1420,Th1630-2115,Fr1500-2230,Sa1000-2230,Su1000-2115
Amount of Time: 180

After some research we found that this issue occures for every user with more than 10 different login times.
Do you know anything about this? And, if so, is there a workaround available?

Our setup is a hardware pfSense (Netgate) 2.2-Release with freeradius2 ver. 2.1.12_1/2.2.6_3 pkg v1.6.10

Thank you in advance!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Tobias Hansen
NordKonzept GmbH
Süderstr. 35
DE-25746 Heide/Holst.

Telefon: +49 (0) 481 599 81 92
Telefax: +49 (0) 481 783 92
Web: http://www.nordkonzept.de<http://www.nordkonzept.de/>

Zuständiges Amtsgericht: Meldorf
Umsatzsteuer ID: DE275460911
Handelsregister: HRB 9076, Pinneberg
Geschäftsführer: Oliver Carstensen
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