config section in rlm_perl module
Chaigneau, Nicolas
nicolas.chaigneau at
Tue Apr 21 09:52:55 CEST 2015
That's correct.
You cannot do this because %RAD_PERLCONF hash is only available in the context of a request.
Additionally, to use this hash you need to declare it in the perl script (this is not the case in the default provided).
(maybe it should ?)
For example:
# Bring the global hashes into the package scope
> Hi,
> I am not able to use %RAD_PERLCONF during parsing phase of I understand why, because section config (rlm_perl) is parsed after parsing itself. Therefore i am able to set up global constant based on freeradius configuration.
> Is it correct behaviour ?
> Piece of code:
> ...
> # Hashes with request / reply parameters use vars qw(%RAD_PERLCONF %RAD_REQUEST %RAD_REPLY %RAD_CHECK %RAD_REQUEST_PROXY %RAD_REQUEST_PROXY_REPLY);
> use constant LOG_DIR => $RAD_PERLCONF{'logdir'}; (line 47) use constant LOG_FILENAME => LOG_DIR().$RAD_PERLCONF{'name'}.'.gen';
> use constant RADIUS_RADDB_DIR => $RAD_PERLCONF{'confdir'}; ...
> Debug output (freeradius 3.0.7):
> ....
> radiusd: #### Instantiating modules #### instantiate {
> # Loaded module rlm_perl
> # Instantiating module "perl" from file ./mods-enabled/perl
> perl {
> filename = "./mods-config/perl/"
> func_authorize = "authorize"
> func_authenticate = "authenticate"
> func_post_auth = "post_auth"
> func_accounting = "accounting"
> func_preacct = "preacct"
> func_checksimul = "checksimul"
> func_detach = "detach"
> func_xlat = "xlat"
> func_pre_proxy = "pre_proxy"
> func_post_proxy = "post_proxy"
> func_recv_coa = "recv_coa"
> func_send_coa = "send_coa"
> }
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./mods-config/perl/ line 47, <DATA> line 751.
> rlm_perl (perl): parsing 'config' section...
> config {
> logdir = /app_log/radius/auth/
> confdir = ./
> name = auth
> }
> rlm_perl (perl): done parsing 'config'.
> -
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