Respond to DHCP Lease Query requests using rlm_cache

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Aug 30 15:42:09 CEST 2015

On Aug 27, 2015, at 2:40 PM, Бен Томпсон <b.thompson at> wrote:
> I have configured FreeRADIUS to as a DHCP server which offers IP addresses
> based on the option 82 values added by a DHCP relay. In cases where the
> client sends a unicast renew request bypassing the relay, the option 82
> values are queried from an instance of rlm_cache which have configured to
> keep a record of leases. (This replicates the option 82 "Stash"
> functionality in ISC DHCP Server). A bit of unlang is involved to check
> that the lease is valid and take care of clearing out the cache, but it is
> all fairly simple.

  I've pushed changes to the v3.0.x branch which should help.  They allow the server to encode and decode lease query packets.

  You will need to:

- add a "dhcp DHCP-Lease-Query {...}" section to raddb/sites-available/dhcp

- have the section return "ok"

- have the section do:

	update reply {
		DHCP-Message-Type := DHCP-Lease-Assigned # or whatever you want to return
		DHCP-Hardware-Address-Length := 0		

  I think that should now work.

  Alan DeKok.

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