No such home_server or home_server_pool

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Feb 11 20:09:27 CET 2015

On Feb 11, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Scott Reeve <vze6mrju at> wrote:
> 2) Here's my section in sites-available/originate-coa:

  Did you link it into sites-enabled?

> Was I supposed to uncomment that "update coa" section?

  No.  You put the update section somewhere else.

> Copy and paste it somewhere else? I couldn't figure out what is meant by "can be placed in any other section"
> authorize/preacct, etc.

  Yes… put it into “authorize”, or “pre acct”.

> It seems like it's not even looking at sites-available/originate-coa ?

  Exactly.  It’s not.

  You need to link the file into sites-enabled/

  Alan DeKok.

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