dhcp INFORM flooding

amindomao amindomao at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 14:53:58 CET 2015

Finally I've found the solution.

Here it is:

1. added 2 lines to dictioanry.dhcp

ATTRIBUTE       DHCP-Option-252                         252 octets
VALUE   DHCP-Parameter-Request-List     DHCP-Option-252         252

2. tuned DHCP-Inform section

dhcp DHCP-Inform {
   update reply {
       Packet-Dst-Port = 67
       DHCP-Message-Type = DHCP-ACK
       DHCP-DHCP-Server-Identifier = "%{Packet-Dst-IP-Address}"
       DHCP-Option-252 = 0x0a00

This configuration made win7 to shut up.

It turnes out that yesterday I forgot to add "Packet-Dst-Port = 67" ( 
clients get their addresses via relay ) option to  DHCP-Inform section.

So, the question about 
"https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpinform-clarify-06" does 
not make sense any more. FR works just like in this draft.

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