configure jradius (with free radius )

Jim Shi hanmao_shi at
Tue Jan 13 00:08:56 CET 2015

Hi, I have a question about setting up jradius with freeradius.

jradius version: build from trunk
free radius version: 2.1.12.

The doc cjradius/freeradius/README says:

- Configure FreeRADIUS with the rlm_jradius module. Below we show bits of
  the FreeRADIUS etc/raddb/radiusd.conf file. We are only showing the
  configurations for JRadius. 
    modules {
       jradius {
          name      = "example"             # The "Requester" name (a single
                            # JRadius server can have
                        # multiple "applications")
          primary   = "localhost"           # Uses default port 1814
          secondary = ""         # Fail-over server
          tertiary  = ""    # Fail-over server on port 8002
          timeout   = 1                     # Connect Timeout
      onfail    = NOOP          # What to do if no JRadius
                        # Server is found. Options are:
                        # FAIL (default), OK, REJECT, NOOP

    authorize {

    post-auth {

I noticed  authorize and post-auth sections
are now moved into the files:

should I update these two files instead?


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