Configure SQL to timeout requests rather than rejecting if no connections available

Noah Engelberth nengelberth at
Sat Jan 17 02:13:22 CET 2015

> > Is there a setting change I can make to get the server to just
> > ignore/drop the request if there are no SQL connections available,
> sql {
> 	fail = 1
> }
> if (fail) {
> 	do_not_respond
> }

Thanks, I appreciate the syntax help.

> Why are you using the Unix ODBC driver? There's the FreeTDS driver written
> specifically for communicating with Microsoft servers...
Using the FreeTDS driver won't work for us because our SQL cluster requires the MultiSubnetFailover parameter to be set by connecting clients (it's a geo-redundant Always On Availability Group), which requires the Microsoft Native Client ODBC driver -- FreeTDS doesn't support that parameter as far as any documentation I could find suggests.  With just FreeTDS, we'd be in a situation where our RADIUS servers would have a 50/50 chance of actually connecting when they tried to open a new SQL connection, which is kind of sub-optimal.

Thank you,

Noah Engelberth 

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