Information you requested on Salt SHA512

Arran Cudbard-Bell a.cudbardb at
Wed Jan 21 03:52:17 CET 2015

> On 16 Jan 2015, at 00:50, Robert Graham <robert_graham at> wrote:
> Unicode encoding and we're hashing the salt and password in salt, then
> password order.

It's assumed the User-Password is already in UTF8. If FreeRADIUS can't
determine the current encoding there's no way to do conversions, so it's
up to the administrator to store the passwords as UTF8, and for the 
supplicant to provide the password as UTF8 plaintext.

We don't currently have an iconv wrapper module so all this has to 
happen outside of the server.

A user P-D-D just logged a pull request for SSHA2 and another things.
I've tweaked his code slightly and pulled it into the server. It's
available in v3.0.x and master if you want to test.

Use {ssha512} as the header, or copy the 'known good' password directly
into control:SSHA2-512-Password.


> Hash( salt + password );
> Password
> Salt
> Hash
> Hellohello1
> 8888702
> 0x20D6AB7A8B3E40F62D8DC1022D0B0FDE4388FEA53C3ECD63395BA382B2596FFCD15711EEBCC3CCC5620A1B1BCFB4B89914609985994B1E3CB30C568D5FCD0311
> Testtesttest1	
> 8888975	
> 0xDDF4C53D3AD71CB04A4BDD5F6B9B8586BB65723CE027EF26D0E0C121DD4A88311ECA987F5100360C2BD89675531A7AB261F283C64CC64B5DD57563A89507D5DF
>        public static byte[] Hash(string salt, string password)
>        {
>            byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password);
>            byte[] saltedPasswordBytes;
>            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(salt))
>            {
>                saltedPasswordBytes = new byte[passwordBytes.Length];
>            }
>            else
>            {
>                byte[] saltBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(salt);
>                saltedPasswordBytes = new byte[passwordBytes.Length +
> saltBytes.Length];
>                Array.Copy(saltBytes, 0, saltedPasswordBytes,
> passwordBytes.Length, saltBytes.Length);
>            }
>            Array.Copy(passwordBytes, saltedPasswordBytes,
> passwordBytes.Length);
>            using (var hashProvider = new SHA512Managed())
>            {
>                return hashProvider.ComputeHash(saltedPasswordBytes);
>            }
>        }
> Robert Graham
> Network Engineer
> U-Haul International
> 2727 N. Central Ave
> Phoenix, AZ 85004
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at>
FreeRADIUS development team

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