Documentation in HTML form

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Jan 23 04:04:57 CET 2015

  The PDF documentation has proved to be popular.  We’re getting about 100 unique addresses a day who download (and presumably read) the documentation.

  In the interest of making it even more accessible, we’ve converted it to HTML, with cross-links.  It’s now available at:

  We’ll update the documentation every time a new version is released.

  Want to see which configuration items a module takes, and what they do?  No problem!  Go read this page:

  Or which string expansions are available?.  e.g. %{exec:…}

  And a list of “unlang” keywords:

  As you’ll probably note, the documentation is *not* complete.  However, we’re actively working on it.  After a large amount of “behind the scenes” work, it’s time to make it public.  Making it public means that people get to see the documentation, and we get incentive to keep it up to date. :)

  The web site has about 100 unique pages.  We have another 100 in the pipeline which need reviewing and publishing.  Then, there’s probably another 100-200 of new documentation which needs writing.

  Alan DeKok.

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