Trouble Logging bad passwords

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Jul 10 02:42:56 CEST 2015

On Jul 9, 2015, at 7:44 PM, timradius at wrote:

> Hello, I am trying to log incorrect password attempts, and am having trouble.
> I have log_auth_badpass enabled in my radiusd.conf file:
> log_auth = yes
> log_auth_badpass = yes
> I am using eap-peap  with mschapv2 for security

  Which means it won't log the bad passwords.  Because there's no password in the request.

> Which just shows a '' being inserted into "pass", which is what I am seeing of course. Is there a flag I need to set to get this to work with my security settings

  MS-CHAP doesn't contain a password.  So the password can't be logged, because it doesn't exist.

> What I am ultimately trying to do is find a way to get into an access point that has an incorrect secret, at this point I am completely locked out when the secret is incorrect.

  You have to fix the shared secret.  You can't break the security of the protocol.

  Re-image the AP, or throw it out, and buy a new one.

  Alan DeKok.

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