double Login OK in logs

stefan nowak pionartest at
Tue Jul 14 11:53:16 CEST 2015


After successful authentication in file radius.log I see two "Login
OK" in the same second . the different is that first have sentence
"via TLS tunnel" and second no.

 logs looks like below:

Tue Jul 14 09:46:10 2015 : Auth: (22) Login OK: [newuser/<via
Auth-Type = EAP>] (from client port 0 cli
D0-51-62-34-B2-96 via TLS tunnel) newuser 04-18-D6-22-F7-37:1111
Tue Jul 14 09:46:10 2015 : Auth: (23) Login OK: [newuser/<via
Auth-Type = EAP>] (from client port 0 cli
D0-51-62-34-B2-96) newuser 04-18-D6-22-F7-37:1111 Wireless-802.11

Is this normal behave of freeradius? or maybe is some problem with my
freeradius connfiguration?

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