MySQL Authentication Problem (v3.0.3)

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Jul 15 22:18:18 CEST 2015

On Jul 15, 2015, at 4:10 PM, Pyromancer <pyromancer at> wrote:
> Initially I attempted to replicate the original server on a newly installed
> machine, however FR 2.0.2 refused to compile with MySQL on the new box
> (Current SuSE, vendor MySQL).  So I've installed the vendor FreeRadius
> (3.0.3 64bit)

  And don't use 3.0.3.  We released 3.0.9 recently.  You can build a Suse package yourself.  This is HIGHLY recommended.  Packages are sometimes are *years* out of date

  Alan DeKok.

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