Empty authorize section. Using default return values. error in 3.0.9

Ums ums_17 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 20 07:49:52 CEST 2015


I have just installed freeradius 3.0.9
Didnot modify any files
the only files i touched were 
1. users to include my record
2. clients.conf to include my client 

started radius server
and tried to authenticate the user
i get the following messages

I checked on the forum and saw various threads dealing with default config deleted etc

I have just installed this radius server and not deleted or over written any config ,
just added a few lines in the 2 files above

i have also given a cat of the sites-enabled/default

Any help would be highly appreciated

Mon Jul 20 07:19:13 2015 : Debug: radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
Mon Jul 20 07:19:14 2015 : Debug: Listening on auth address port 1900
Mon Jul 20 07:19:14 2015 : Debug: Listening on acct address port 1901
Mon Jul 20 07:19:14 2015 : Debug: Opening new proxy socket 'proxy address port 0'
Mon Jul 20 07:19:14 2015 : Debug: Listening on proxy address port 45887
Mon Jul 20 07:19:14 2015 : Info: Ready to process requests
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) Received Access-Request Id 237 from to length 119
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0)   User-Name = "00:19:95:20:00:02"
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0)   User-Password = "xxxx"
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0)   NAS-Identifier = "S"
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0)   NAS-Port = 16842817
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0)   NAS-Port-Type = Async
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) session-state: No State attribute
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) Empty authorize section.  Using default return values.
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : ERROR: (0) No Auth-Type found: rejecting the user via Post-Auth-Type = Reject
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) Failed to authenticate the user
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found.  Ignoring.
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: (0) Delaying response for 1.000000 seconds
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
Mon Jul 20 07:20:57 2015 : Debug: Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
Mon Jul 20 07:20:58 2015 : Debug: (0) <delay>: Sending delayed response
Mon Jul 20 07:20:58 2015 : Debug: (0) <delay>: Sent Access-Reject Id 237 from to length 20
Mon Jul 20 07:20:58 2015 : Debug: Waking up in 3.9 seconds.
Mon Jul 20 07:21:02 2015 : Debug: (0) <delay>: Cleaning up request packet ID 237 with timestamp +104
Mon Jul 20 07:21:02 2015 : Info: Ready to process requests

[linux raddb]# cd /usr/local/etc/raddb/

[linux sites-enabled]# pwd
[linux sites-enabled]# ls -ltr
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Jul 20 06:25 default -> ../sites-available/default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Jul 20 06:25 inner-tunnel -> ../sites-available/inner-tunnel
[linux sites-enabled]#

[linux sites-enabled]# cat default
#       As of 2.0.0, FreeRADIUS supports virtual hosts using the
#       "server" section, and configuration directives.
#       Virtual hosts should be put into the "sites-available"
#       directory.  Soft links should be created in the "sites-enabled"
#       directory to these files.  This is done in a normal installation.
#       If you are using 802.1X (EAP) authentication, please see also
#       the "inner-tunnel" virtual server.  You will likely have to edit
#       that, too, for authentication to work.
#       $Id: e16363f12d3b8ba38a4c056dd09ffa9c2d5e7de1 $
#       Read "man radiusd" before editing this file.  See the section
#       titled DEBUGGING.  It outlines a method where you can quickly
#       obtain the configuration you want, without running into
#       trouble.  See also "man unlang", which documents the format
#       of this file.
#       This configuration is designed to work in the widest possible
#       set of circumstances, with the widest possible number of
#       authentication methods.  This means that in general, you should
#       need to make very few changes to this file.
#       The best way to configure the server for your local system
#       is to CAREFULLY edit this file.  Most attempts to make large
#       edits to this file will BREAK THE SERVER.  Any edits should
#       be small, and tested by running the server with "radiusd -X".
#       Once the edits have been verified to work, save a copy of these
#       configuration files somewhere.  (e.g. as a "tar" file).  Then,
#       make more edits, and test, as above.
#       There are many "commented out" references to modules such
#       as ldap, sql, etc.  These references serve as place-holders.
#       If you need the functionality of that module, then configure
#       it in radiusd.conf, and un-comment the references to it in
#       this file.  In most cases, those small changes will result
#       in the server being able to connect to the DB, and to
#       authenticate users.

server default {
#  If you want the server to listen on additional addresses, or on
#  additional ports, you can use multiple "listen" sections.
#  Each section make the server listen for only one type of packet,
#  therefore authentication and accounting have to be configured in
#  different sections.
#  The server ignore all "listen" section if you are using '-i' and '-p'
#  on the command line.
listen {
        #  Type of packets to listen for.
        #  Allowed values are:
        #       auth    listen for authentication packets
        #       acct    listen for accounting packets
        #       proxy   IP to use for sending proxied packets
        #       detail  Read from the detail file.  For examples, see
        #               raddb/sites-available/copy-acct-to-home-server
        #       status  listen for Status-Server packets.  For examples,
        #               see raddb/sites-available/status
        #       coa     listen for CoA-Request and Disconnect-Request
        #               packets.  For examples, see the file
        #               raddb/sites-available/coa
        type = auth

        #  Note: "type = proxy" lets you control the source IP used for
        #        proxying packets, with some limitations:
        #    * A proxy listener CANNOT be used in a virtual server section.
        #    * You should probably set "port = 0".
        #    * Any "clients" configuration will be ignored.
        #  See also proxy.conf, and the "src_ipaddr" configuration entry
        #  in the sample "home_server" section.  When you specify the
        #  source IP address for packets sent to a home server, the
        #  proxy listeners are automatically created.

        #  ipaddr/ipv4addr/ipv6addr - IP address on which to listen.
        #  Out of several options the first one will be used.
        #  Allowed values are:
        #       IPv4 address (e.g., for ipv4addr/ipaddr)
        #       IPv6 address (e.g. 2001:db8::1, for ipv6addr/ipaddr)
        #       hostname     (radius.example.com,
        #                       A record for ipv4addr,
        #                       AAAA record for ipv6addr,
        #                       A or AAAA record for ipaddr)
        #       wildcard     (*)
        # ipv4addr = *
        # ipv6addr = *
        ipaddr = *

        #  Port on which to listen.
        #  Allowed values are:
        #       integer port number (1812)
        #       0 means "use /etc/services for the proper port"
        port = 0

        #  Some systems support binding to an interface, in addition
        #  to the IP address.  This feature isn't strictly necessary,
        #  but for sites with many IP addresses on one interface,
        #  it's useful to say "listen on all addresses for eth0".
        #  If your system does not support this feature, you will
        #  get an error if you try to use it.
#       interface = eth0

        #  Per-socket lists of clients.  This is a very useful feature.
        #  The name here is a reference to a section elsewhere in
        #  radiusd.conf, or clients.conf.  Having the name as
        #  a reference allows multiple sockets to use the same
        #  set of clients.
        #  If this configuration is used, then the global list of clients
        #  is IGNORED for this "listen" section.  Take care configuring
        #  this feature, to ensure you don't accidentally disable a
        #  client you need.
        #  See clients.conf for the configuration of "per_socket_clients".
#       clients = per_socket_clients

        #  Connection limiting for sockets with "proto = tcp".
        #  This section is ignored for other kinds of sockets.
        limit {
              #  Limit the number of simultaneous TCP connections to the socket
              #  The default is 16.
              #  Setting this to 0 means "no limit"
              max_connections = 16

              #  The per-socket "max_requests" option does not exist.

              #  The lifetime, in seconds, of a TCP connection.  After
              #  this lifetime, the connection will be closed.
              #  Setting this to 0 means "forever".
              lifetime = 0

              #  The idle timeout, in seconds, of a TCP connection.
              #  If no packets have been received over the connection for
              #  this time, the connection will be closed.
              #  Setting this to 0 means "no timeout".
              #  We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you set an idle timeout.
              idle_timeout = 30

#  This second "listen" section is for listening on the accounting
#  port, too.
listen {
        ipaddr = *
#       ipv6addr = ::
        port = 0
        type = acct
#       interface = eth0
#       clients = per_socket_clients

        limit {
                #  The number of packets received can be rate limited via the
                #  "max_pps" configuration item.  When it is set, the server
                #  tracks the total number of packets received in the previous
                #  second.  If the count is greater than "max_pps", then the
                #  new packet is silently discarded.  This helps the server
                #  deal with overload situations.
                #  The packets/s counter is tracked in a sliding window.  This
                #  means that the pps calculation is done for the second
                #  before the current packet was received.  NOT for the current
                #  wall-clock second, and NOT for the previous wall-clock second.
                #  Useful values are 0 (no limit), or 100 to 10000.
                #  Values lower than 100 will likely cause the server to ignore
                #  normal traffic.  Few systems are capable of handling more than
                #  10K packets/s.
                #  It is most useful for accounting systems.  Set it to 50%
                #  more than the normal accounting load, and you can be sure that
                #  the server will never get overloaded
#               max_pps = 0

                # Only for "proto = tcp". These are ignored for "udp" sockets.
#               idle_timeout = 0
#               lifetime = 0
#               max_connections = 0

# IPv6 versions of the above - read their full config to understand options
listen {
        type = auth
        ipv6addr = ::   # any.  ::1 == localhost
        port = 0
#       interface = eth0
#       clients = per_socket_clients
        limit {
              max_connections = 16
              lifetime = 0
              idle_timeout = 30

listen {
        ipv6addr = ::
        port = 0
        type = acct
#       interface = eth0
#       clients = per_socket_clients

        limit {
#               max_pps = 0
#               idle_timeout = 0
#               lifetime = 0
#               max_connections = 0

#  Authorization. First preprocess (hints and huntgroups files),
#  then realms, and finally look in the "users" file.
#  Any changes made here should also be made to the "inner-tunnel"
#  virtual server.
#  The order of the realm modules will determine the order that
#  we try to find a matching realm.
#  Make *sure* that 'preprocess' comes before any realm if you
#  need to setup hints for the remote radius server
authorize {
        #  Take a User-Name, and perform some checks on it, for spaces and other
        #  invalid characters.  If the User-Name appears invalid, reject the
        #  request.
        #  See policy.d/filter for the definition of the filter_username policy.

        #  The preprocess module takes care of sanitizing some bizarre
        #  attributes in the request, and turning them into attributes
        #  which are more standard.
        #  It takes care of processing the 'raddb/hints' and the
        #  'raddb/huntgroups' files.

        #  If you intend to use CUI and you require that the Operator-Name
        #  be set for CUI generation and you want to generate CUI also
        #  for your local clients then uncomment the operator-name
        #  below and set the operator-name for your clients in clients.conf
#       operator-name

        #  If you want to generate CUI for some clients that do not
        #  send proper CUI requests, then uncomment the
        #  cui below and set "add_cui = yes" for these clients in clients.conf
#       cui

        #  If you want to have a log of authentication requests,
        #  un-comment the following line.
#       auth_log

        #  The chap module will set 'Auth-Type := CHAP' if we are
        #  handling a CHAP request and Auth-Type has not already been set

        #  If the users are logging in with an MS-CHAP-Challenge
        #  attribute for authentication, the mschap module will find
        #  the MS-CHAP-Challenge attribute, and add 'Auth-Type := MS-CHAP'
        #  to the request, which will cause the server to then use
        #  the mschap module for authentication.

        #  If you have a Cisco SIP server authenticating against
        #  FreeRADIUS, uncomment the following line, and the 'digest'
        #  line in the 'authenticate' section.

        #  The WiMAX specification says that the Calling-Station-Id
        #  is 6 octets of the MAC.  This definition conflicts with
        #  RFC 3580, and all common RADIUS practices.  Un-commenting
        #  the "wimax" module here means that it will fix the
        #  Calling-Station-Id attribute to the normal format as
        #  specified in RFC 3580 Section 3.21
#       wimax

        #  Look for IPASS style 'realm/', and if not found, look for
        #  '@realm', and decide whether or not to proxy, based on
        #  that.
#       IPASS

        #  If you are using multiple kinds of realms, you probably
        #  want to set "ignore_null = yes" for all of them.
        #  Otherwise, when the first style of realm doesn't match,
        #  the other styles won't be checked.
#       ntdomain

        #  This module takes care of EAP-MD5, EAP-TLS, and EAP-LEAP
        #  authentication.
        #  It also sets the EAP-Type attribute in the request
        #  attribute list to the EAP type from the packet.
        #  The EAP module returns "ok" if it is not yet ready to
        #  authenticate the user.  The configuration below checks for
        #  that code, and stops processing the "authorize" section if
        #  so.
        #  Any LDAP and/or SQL servers will not be queried for the
        #  initial set of packets that go back and forth to set up
        #  TTLS or PEAP.
        eap {
                ok = return

        #  Pull crypt'd passwords from /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow,
        #  using the system API's to get the password.  If you want
        #  to read /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow directly, see the
        #  mods-available/passwd module.
#       unix

        #  Read the 'users' file.  In v3, this is located in
        #  raddb/mods-config/files/authorize

        #  Look in an SQL database.  The schema of the database
        #  is meant to mirror the "users" file.
        #  See "Authorization Queries" in mods-available/sql

        #  If you are using /etc/smbpasswd, and are also doing
        #  mschap authentication, the un-comment this line, and
        #  configure the 'smbpasswd' module.
#       smbpasswd

        #  The ldap module reads passwords from the LDAP database.

        #  Enforce daily limits on time spent logged in.
#       daily


        #  If no other module has claimed responsibility for
        #  authentication, then try to use PAP.  This allows the
        #  other modules listed above to add a "known good" password
        #  to the request, and to do nothing else.  The PAP module
        #  will then see that password, and use it to do PAP
        #  authentication.
        #  This module should be listed last, so that the other modules
        #  get a chance to set Auth-Type for themselves.

        #  If "status_server = yes", then Status-Server messages are passed
        #  through the following section, and ONLY the following section.
        #  This permits you to do DB queries, for example.  If the modules
        #  listed here return "fail", then NO response is sent.
#       Autz-Type Status-Server {
#       }

#  Authentication.
#  This section lists which modules are available for authentication.
#  Note that it does NOT mean 'try each module in order'.  It means
#  that a module from the 'authorize' section adds a configuration
#  attribute 'Auth-Type := FOO'.  That authentication type is then
#  used to pick the appropriate module from the list below.

#  In general, you SHOULD NOT set the Auth-Type attribute.  The server
#  will figure it out on its own, and will do the right thing.  The
#  most common side effect of erroneously setting the Auth-Type
#  attribute is that one authentication method will work, but the
#  others will not.
#  The common reasons to set the Auth-Type attribute by hand
#  is to either forcibly reject the user (Auth-Type := Reject),
#  or to or forcibly accept the user (Auth-Type := Accept).
#  Note that Auth-Type := Accept will NOT work with EAP.
#  Please do not put "unlang" configurations into the "authenticate"
#  section.  Put them in the "post-auth" section instead.  That's what
#  the post-auth section is for.
authenticate {
        #  PAP authentication, when a back-end database listed
        #  in the 'authorize' section supplies a password.  The
        #  password can be clear-text, or encrypted.
        Auth-Type PAP {

        #  Most people want CHAP authentication
        #  A back-end database listed in the 'authorize' section
        #  MUST supply a CLEAR TEXT password.  Encrypted passwords
        #  won't work.
        Auth-Type CHAP {

        #  MSCHAP authentication.
        Auth-Type MS-CHAP {

        #  If you have a Cisco SIP server authenticating against
        #  FreeRADIUS, uncomment the following line, and the 'digest'
        #  line in the 'authorize' section.

        #  Pluggable Authentication Modules.
#       pam

        #  Uncomment it if you want to use ldap for authentication
        #  Note that this means "check plain-text password against
        #  the ldap database", which means that EAP won't work,
        #  as it does not supply a plain-text password.
        #  We do NOT recommend using this.  LDAP servers are databases.
        #  They are NOT authentication servers.  FreeRADIUS is an
        #  authentication server, and knows what to do with authentication.
        #  LDAP servers do not.
#       Auth-Type LDAP {
#               ldap
#       }

        #  Allow EAP authentication.

        #  The older configurations sent a number of attributes in
        #  Access-Challenge packets, which wasn't strictly correct.
        #  If you want to filter out these attributes, uncomment
        #  the following lines.
#       Auth-Type eap {
#               eap {
#                       handled = 1
#               }
#               if (handled && (Response-Packet-Type == Access-Challenge)) {
#                       attr_filter.access_challenge.post-auth
#                       handled  # override the "updated" code from attr_filter
#               }
#       }

#  Pre-accounting.  Decide which accounting type to use.
preacct {

        #  Merge Acct-[Input|Output]-Gigawords and Acct-[Input-Output]-Octets
        #  into a single 64bit counter Acct-[Input|Output]-Octets64.
#       acct_counters64

        #  Session start times are *implied* in RADIUS.
        #  The NAS never sends a "start time".  Instead, it sends
        #  a start packet, *possibly* with an Acct-Delay-Time.
        #  The server is supposed to conclude that the start time
        #  was "Acct-Delay-Time" seconds in the past.
        #  The code below creates an explicit start time, which can
        #  then be used in other modules.  It will be *mostly* correct.
        #  Any errors are due to the 1-second resolution of RADIUS,
        #  and the possibility that the time on the NAS may be off.
        #  The start time is: NOW - delay - session_length

#       update request {
#               FreeRADIUS-Acct-Session-Start-Time = "%{expr: %l - %{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0} - %{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}}"
#       }

        #  Ensure that we have a semi-unique identifier for every
        #  request, and many NAS boxes are broken.

        #  Look for IPASS-style 'realm/', and if not found, look for
        #  '@realm', and decide whether or not to proxy, based on
        #  that.
        #  Accounting requests are generally proxied to the same
        #  home server as authentication requests.
#       IPASS
#       ntdomain

        #  Read the 'acct_users' file

#  Accounting.  Log the accounting data.
accounting {
        #  Update accounting packet by adding the CUI attribute
        #  recorded from the corresponding Access-Accept
        #  use it only if your NAS boxes do not support CUI themselves
#       cui
        #  Create a 'detail'ed log of the packets.
        #  Note that accounting requests which are proxied
        #  are also logged in the detail file.
#       daily

        #  Update the wtmp file
        #  If you don't use "radlast", you can delete this line.

        #  For Simultaneous-Use tracking.
        #  Due to packet losses in the network, the data here
        #  may be incorrect.  There is little we can do about it.
#       radutmp
#       sradutmp

        #  Return an address to the IP Pool when we see a stop record.
#       main_pool

        #  Log traffic to an SQL database.
        #  See "Accounting queries" in mods-available/sql

        #  If you receive stop packets with zero session length,
        #  they will NOT be logged in the database.  The SQL module
        #  will print a message (only in debugging mode), and will
        #  return "noop".
        #  You can ignore these packets by uncommenting the following
        #  three lines.  Otherwise, the server will not respond to the
        #  accounting request, and the NAS will retransmit.
#       if (noop) {
#               ok
#       }

        #  Instead of sending the query to the SQL server,
        #  write it into a log file.
#       sql_log

        #  Cisco VoIP specific bulk accounting
#       pgsql-voip

        # For Exec-Program and Exec-Program-Wait

        #  Filter attributes from the accounting response.

        #  See "Autz-Type Status-Server" for how this works.
#       Acct-Type Status-Server {
#       }

#  Session database, used for checking Simultaneous-Use. Either the radutmp
#  or rlm_sql module can handle this.
#  The rlm_sql module is *much* faster
session {
#       radutmp

        #  See "Simultaneous Use Checking Queries" in mods-available/sql
#       sql

#  Post-Authentication
#  Once we KNOW that the user has been authenticated, there are
#  additional steps we can take.
post-auth {
        #  If you need to have a State attribute, you can
        #  add it here.  e.g. for later CoA-Request with
        #  State, and Service-Type = Authorize-Only.
#       if (!&reply:State) {
#               update reply {
#                       State := "0x%{randstr:16h}"
#               }
#       }

        #  For EAP-TTLS and PEAP, add the cached attributes to the reply.
        #  The "session-state" attributes are automatically cached when
        #  an Access-Challenge is sent, and automatically retrieved
        #  when an Access-Request is received.
        #  The session-state attributes are automatically deleted after
        #  an Access-Reject or Access-Accept is sent.
        update {
                &reply: += &session-state:

        #  Get an address from the IP Pool.
#       main_pool

        #  Create the CUI value and add the attribute to Access-Accept.
        #  Uncomment the line below if *returning* the CUI.
#       cui

        #  If you want to have a log of authentication replies,
        #  un-comment the following line, and enable the
        #  'detail reply_log' module.
#       reply_log

        #  After authenticating the user, do another SQL query.
        #  See "Authentication Logging Queries" in mods-available/sql

        #  Instead of sending the query to the SQL server,
        #  write it into a log file.
#       sql_log

        #  Un-comment the following if you want to modify the user's object
        #  in LDAP after a successful login.
#       ldap

        # For Exec-Program and Exec-Program-Wait

        #  Calculate the various WiMAX keys.  In order for this to work,
        #  you will need to define the WiMAX NAI, usually via
        #       update request {
        #              WiMAX-MN-NAI = "%{User-Name}"
        #       }
        #  If you want various keys to be calculated, you will need to
        #  update the reply with "template" values.  The module will see
        #  this, and replace the template values with the correct ones
        #  taken from the cryptographic calculations.  e.g.
        #       update reply {
        #               WiMAX-FA-RK-Key = 0x00
        #               WiMAX-MSK = "%{EAP-MSK}"
        #       }
        #  You may want to delete the MS-MPPE-*-Keys from the reply,
        #  as some WiMAX clients behave badly when those attributes
        #  are included.  See "raddb/modules/wimax", configuration
        #  entry "delete_mppe_keys" for more information.
#       wimax

        #  If there is a client certificate (EAP-TLS, sometimes PEAP
        #  and TTLS), then some attributes are filled out after the
        #  certificate verification has been performed.  These fields
        #  MAY be available during the authentication, or they may be
        #  available only in the "post-auth" section.
        #  The first set of attributes contains information about the
        #  issuing certificate which is being used.  The second
        #  contains information about the client certificate (if
        #  available).
#       update reply {
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Cert-Serial}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Cert-Expiration}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Cert-Subject}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Cert-Issuer}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Cert-Common-Name}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Cert-Subject-Alt-Name-Email}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Client-Cert-Serial}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Client-Cert-Expiration}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Client-Cert-Subject}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Client-Cert-Issuer}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name}"
#              Reply-Message += "%{TLS-Client-Cert-Subject-Alt-Name-Email}"
#       }

        #  Insert class attribute (with unique value) into response,
        #  aids matching auth and acct records, and protects against duplicate
        #  Acct-Session-Id. Note: Only works if the NAS has implemented
        #  RFC 2865 behaviour for the class attribute, AND if the NAS
        #  supports long Class attributes.  Many older or cheap NASes
        #  only support 16-octet Class attributes.
#       insert_acct_class

        #  MacSEC requires the use of EAP-Key-Name.  However, we don't
        #  want to send it for all EAP sessions.  Therefore, the EAP
        #  modules put required data into the EAP-Session-Id attribute.
        #  This attribute is never put into a request or reply packet.
        #  Uncomment the next few lines to copy the required data into
        #  the EAP-Key-Name attribute
#       if (&reply:EAP-Session-Id) {
#               update reply {
#                       EAP-Key-Name := &reply:EAP-Session-Id
#               }
#       }

        #  Remove reply message if the response contains an EAP-Message

        #  Access-Reject packets are sent through the REJECT sub-section of the
        #  post-auth section.
        #  Add the ldap module name (or instance) if you have set
        #  'edir_account_policy_check = yes' in the ldap module configuration
        #  The "session-state" attributes are not available here.
        Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
                # log failed authentications in SQL, too.

                # Insert EAP-Failure message if the request was
                # rejected by policy instead of because of an
                # authentication failure

                #  Remove reply message if the response contains an EAP-Message

#  When the server decides to proxy a request to a home server,
#  the proxied request is first passed through the pre-proxy
#  stage.  This stage can re-write the request, or decide to
#  cancel the proxy.
#  Only a few modules currently have this method.
pre-proxy {
        # Before proxing the request add an Operator-Name attribute identifying
        # if the operator-name is found for this client.
        # No need to uncomment this if you have already enabled this in
        # the authorize section.
#       operator-name

        #  The client requests the CUI by sending a CUI attribute
        #  containing one zero byte.
        #  Uncomment the line below if *requesting* the CUI.
#       cui

        #  Uncomment the following line if you want to change attributes
        #  as defined in the preproxy_users file.
#       files

        #  Uncomment the following line if you want to filter requests
        #  sent to remote servers based on the rules defined in the
        #  'attrs.pre-proxy' file.
#       attr_filter.pre-proxy

        #  If you want to have a log of packets proxied to a home
        #  server, un-comment the following line, and the
        #  'detail pre_proxy_log' section, above.
#       pre_proxy_log

#  When the server receives a reply to a request it proxied
#  to a home server, the request may be massaged here, in the
#  post-proxy stage.
post-proxy {

        #  If you want to have a log of replies from a home server,
        #  un-comment the following line, and the 'detail post_proxy_log'
        #  section, above.
#       post_proxy_log

        #  Uncomment the following line if you want to filter replies from
        #  remote proxies based on the rules defined in the 'attrs' file.
#       attr_filter.post-proxy

        #  If you are proxying LEAP, you MUST configure the EAP
        #  module, and you MUST list it here, in the post-proxy
        #  stage.
        #  You MUST also use the 'nostrip' option in the 'realm'
        #  configuration.  Otherwise, the User-Name attribute
        #  in the proxied request will not match the user name
        #  hidden inside of the EAP packet, and the end server will
        #  reject the EAP request.

        #  If the server tries to proxy a request and fails, then the
        #  request is processed through the modules in this section.
        #  The main use of this section is to permit robust proxying
        #  of accounting packets.  The server can be configured to
        #  proxy accounting packets as part of normal processing.
        #  Then, if the home server goes down, accounting packets can
        #  be logged to a local "detail" file, for processing with
        #  radrelay.  When the home server comes back up, radrelay
        #  will read the detail file, and send the packets to the
        #  home server.
        #  With this configuration, the server always responds to
        #  Accounting-Requests from the NAS, but only writes
        #  accounting packets to disk if the home server is down.
#       Post-Proxy-Type Fail-Accounting {
#                       detail
#       }

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