System frequently stops responding...

Adam Bishop Adam.Bishop at
Fri Jul 24 10:26:25 CEST 2015

On 24 Jul 2015, at 07:34, Mohamed Lrhazi <Mohamed.Lrhazi at> wrote:
> What can I do next? to further zoom in on the root cause? Or is this pretty
> clearly CPU starvation? just add more VMs ?

It doesn’t sound like CPU starvation… what is the load average before/while/after this is going on (and how many CPU’s does the guest have)?

What state is the radius process in when it is frozen (ps aux | grep radiusd, look at the STAT column).

Run freeradius under strace (strace -Ff <radius command>). Is it waiting on a syscall? Which?

Does FreeRADIUS respond to radmin commands while it is seemingly frozen?

What hypervisor is in use?


Adam Bishop

  gpg: 0x6609D460

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