FreeRadius and Realms

Stephen Campbell CampbellS at
Tue Jun 2 23:33:09 CEST 2015

Good Day All,

I'm fairly new to FreeRadius and would like some feedback.

I'm in the process of adding a realm to one of our existing Radius servers.

As a test I have created the following realm in the proxy.conf file:

# auth_pool = Added by Steve, June 1st, 2015 for testing.
realm "" {
       auth_pool = staff_domain

When I reload the radiusd daemon and try to log on I get the following message in
the log file:

Tue Jun  2 13:19:36 2015 : Auth: Login incorrect (Home Server says so): [username at] (from client Wireless-Lans-WLC4404-1 port 13 cli 38-aa-3c-cb-9e-88)

Like I said above, I'm fairly new to this so I may not have configured everything required to make it
work properly.

We are currently running FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.10 on LINUX.


Steve Campbell

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