rewrite attribute in freeradius 3

Aleksander Vines aleksander.vines at
Thu Jun 11 10:16:09 CEST 2015

Hi list,

I'm trying to set up Freeradius (3.0.4 - as its whats included in the centos repo) for Eduroam. It should act as a proxy to an internal server. 

Essentially, what I'm stuck at now is to rewrite the incoming User-Name attribute to remove the @domain postfix.

In earlier versions I could use something like this:
attr_rewrite rewrite_realm {
attribute = User-Name
searchin = packet
searchfor = "^(.*)@adsl\.realm1$"
replacewith = "%{1}"
ignore_case = no
new_attribute = no
max_matches = 10
append = no

However, it seems its not supported in Freeradius 3: 

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